Old English

  • Nick Hottell

    ENGL 620 took me way out of my comfort zone, but I learned a great deal from this class. I’m proud of the work I put in and the knowledge I’ve gained. I am a Chemistry and Math major and have had zero experience with anything related to Old English. Admittedly, I felt like I knew a lot less than my peers; however, Dr. T worked with me and ensured that, despite being a 600 level course, it really was an introduction. There were times when I struggled, but I did feel supported. I’ve gained a new appreciation for the classics and a better understanding of English grammar itself through this class. Dr. T does a lot of work to bring in guest speakers that enrich the class as a whole. Overall, I’m really glad I took this class and was exposed to the world of Old English.

  • Mason Chapman

    Taking ENGL 620 was a much appreciated change of pace for me as a chemistry major. Learning more about the origins of the English language while being encouraged to investigate topics including Celtic and Norse mythology, ancient texts, vulgate Latin, and many more made the class very fulfilling from a breadth-of-knowledge standpoint. Additionally, ample opportunities to grab coffee and chat with esteemed diplomats and high-ranking officials (all organized by Ted and CFED) made the whole experience titillating and thought-provoking.