A Brief Travel Guide for London
Wondering how to get from Heathrow to Southwark? Looking for walking paths or a bite to eat? You’ve come to the right place.
Browse below to find a typical “day in the life” for a KCL Literature and Diplomacy student, as well as detailed packing and arrival guides for your 6 weeks in London.
A Day in the Life: King’s College London
Walk from Moonraker Point dorm to the closest Pret Coffee Shop for coffee and pastries with your classmates while you read and prepare for class
Grab some lunch in the dining hall in Bush House at King’s College before class with your card provided by TFED
Dinner in Covent Gardens at the best sushi restaurant with friends in class or outing to see one of London’s greatest musicals.
Ride the tube with friends to hit London’s night life and meet up with other UNC students or head back to Moonraker for a good night’s rest.
Meet Our Experts
Irving Finkel has possibly the coolest job in the world - he's curator of cuneiform at the British Museum! Since 1979 he's been trawling the Museum's 130,000 clay tablets for clues about life in ancient Mesopotamia.
Best Places to Cry in London:
Maughan Library all out of copies of Homer’s Illiad? Drop your Oyster Card on the tube? Can’t remember how to pronounce “Southwark”? We’ve got your back. Check out this article if you need a good sob, or just a good laugh.
51 Free Things to do in London:
We know that coffee at Pret-a-manger and tickets for the Undergound add up, so here’s a list of things to do for those days when you’re trying to play it cheap.

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Learn more about what to pack for your trip and what to do when you first get to London
Check out our day trips from London
A huge wall surrounding the city, York was founded by the Romans. It has a very strong gothic influence and cobbled streets. For any history lover, York is a fantastic place to take a quick day trip.
In 1940, Dunkirk became world famous thanks to the heroic evacuation of Allied troops. Destroyed by German attacks, it was rebuilt after the war. Its WWII history makes Dunkirk a great day trip for any KCL interested in that time period.
Cotswolds has been repeatedly noted as one of the most picturesque rural settings in the British Isles! Taking a day trip from London to Cotswolds will unveil to you this golden stone town on rolling hills speckled with honey colored quaint houses and miles of pristine green reserves and historic trails.
Located only one hour south of London, it is no surprise why it makes Brighton such a huge tourist attraction or KCL student. For almost 200 years, Brighton was the beach spot for English monarchs which is reflected in much of its classical architecture.
Just outside London, Windsor’s history and connection to the British Royal Family makes it a must-see day trip while in London. It is by far one of the easiest trips to make on our list for any KCL student.
Straddling the River Avon, William Shakespeare’s birthplace is a quaint little town whose lifeblood derives from the late poet. For any Shakespeare fan, a visit to his hometown is a necessary day trip.
Stonehenge is one of the most iconic landmarks with the United Kingdom as well as one of the most famous prehistoric monuments in all of Europe, making it a must see for both tourists around the world and KCL students. Only two hours away from London and easily accessible by train or bus, a visit to Stonehenge makes a perfect day trip.
Up in the northern part of England almost touching the border to Scotland, the Lake District offers unique access to hiking trails, biking. and classic English countryside. The Lake District is one of the most beautiful places in the country so much that it recieved a UNESCO World Heritage status.
The city of Cambridge is only a train ride away from London making it an ideal day trip for any KCL student. The greatest attraction it holds is Cambridge University, the second oldest university in England. Although Cambridge is a small town, the area bursts with culture and education.
Located on the southeastern shore of England, Dover is home to both the iconic white cliffs and a bevy of WWII history. While Dover’s white cliffs are certainly its main attraction, the town is home to several points of interest for the historically minded visitor. In the main town square you will find a museum dedicated to Anglo-Saxon treasures, ship burials, and other archaeological artifacts found on the British Isles
Encircled by medieval walls, Canterbury is doused in history. In the Middle Ages, Canterbury’s pilgrimage-site status made it the setting of Chaucer’s seminal "Canterbury Tales." Today, cobbled streets and the 6th-century Canterbury Cathedral secure this city as one of England’s must-visit destinations. Canterbury has quite a different vibe from the more bustling, modern London; the locals are more relaxed and there are much less city sounds. Its quiet atmosphere makes it a great place for leisure and relaxation.
Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland is an easy day trip from London. Edinburgh houses the seat of government in Scotland, as well as two castles
Oxford is only an hour away from London which makes it a really easy day trip to make. Oxford revolves around its prestigious university, established in the 12th century. In past years, current Oxford students have helped groups tour around Oxford.
The two biggest things that Liverpool is known for are maritime history and music. If any KCL student is a huge fan of The Beatles then Liverpool is a definite day trip to take.